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House Engineering Projects
Once the land has been chosen and the architectural project pre-defined, it’s time to start the other projects needed to build your home. With this in mind, our multidisciplinary team is prepared to develop the projects:
- Structural
- Climatization
- Reusing rainwater
- Plumbing (cold and hot water)
- Photovoltaic solar energy integrated into the building

The project development process goes through four main stages:
EP - Preliminary Study
At this stage, an initial briefing is held with the client and the project kickoff meeting is held with the entire technical team involved (Architects and Engineers), with the aim of defining all the building's needs.
PL - Legal Project
This is the bureaucratic stage! Just as the architecture has to be approved by the town hall, the plumbing project has to be approved by the health authorities and the electrical project has to be assessed by the electricity distribution company. Don't worry, our team will take care of all this for you! We offer a due diligence service.
AP - Preliminary draft
At this stage, the final architectural configuration has already been defined, taking into account all the requirements contained in the EP program of needs approved by the client, and the construction system has already been defined with the entire team.
PE - Executive Project
The documents drawn up at this stage are those that go to the construction site. Therefore, the SP consists of the details of all the project disciplines. It should include material quantities, definition of installation details and a descriptive memorial. The SP will serve as the basis for drawing up the budget and financial planning for the work.
Quantity of materials and budgeting
Once the Executive Project (EP) is ready, it is possible to organize and price the entire list of materials needed for the construction, as well as the values for labor, administration, taxes and charges. In this way, we can optimize the financial planning of the client and the project.
If the architectural project does not have a complete list of materials needed for construction, our team will survey it using the virtual construction technique, using technical knowledge in information modeling tools to extract the data with the quantity of materials according to the architectural design.